Freediving emotions1 Day Freediving Course

  • Duration: 8 ore
  • Group: 10 people
  • Max depth: 15 meters
1 Day Freediving Course
Start from 200.00 per person

Overall Descriprion & Highlights

The Freediving Experience Course is a perfect choice for those who seek to build a deeper understanding of the world of freediving. Antonio’s skills complemented by the Apnea Academy standards, will allow you to grasp the techniques of finning, breathing, equalization and more involved in the sport of freediving.
At our centre, you will participate in theory lessons and put your in-class learnings into practice during the sessions at sea. Get your Apnea Academy patent and enjoy the azure waters of the Amalfi Coast. 

Session schedule

  • 9:00 AM Welcome Meeting

    Antonio will welcome you at the store where you will quickly check in and get the needed equipment for the day 

  • 9:20 AM Theory Session

    Antonio will give you a presentation and guide you through the fundamental concepts of Equilisation, Breathing and Freediving Techniques. 

  • 11:00 AM Breathing and Relaxation

    Antonio will give you insughtful adivce and teach you functional exercises on how to breath and relax before and during a dive

  • 12:00 PM Freediving in the Sea

    From class to the blue waters of the Amalfi Coast, you will be able to apply what you learned in class in total safety with Antonio following you step by step

  • 3:00 PM Relaxing on the boat

    After the sea session, you will have the possibility to relax on the boat and enoy the beatiful nature of the Ieranto Bay. This will be a magical moment to deeply connect yourself with the surrounding nature 

  • 5:00 PM Back to the centre

    After heading back to the centre Antonio will give you a debriefing of the day on the achivements and the points to work on and improve for future trainings

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