ReviewsOur customers’ opinions

Such a great experience with Antonio and the crew. I got to see parts of the coast that many others don’t. Antonio is an incredibly passionate and talented freediver, and I came away with better technique and a deeper love for the ocean. I wish I was staying longer so I could go again. Thank you.
Review about Villa Angelina, review #1
Capri Freediving is a great experience! Antonio is a wonderful instructor and you will have a safe and enjoyable time. During your time traveling around the Amalfi, be sure to indulge in a great opportunity to free-dive or snorkel in the clear waters!!
Review about Villa Angelina, review #2
Our family loved amazing afternoon snorkeling with Antonio, the owner of Capri Freediving. We went to two locations in Punta Campanella Marine Reserve. We had such an amazing experience - it was a great way to wrap up our trip and one of favorite parts of our stay in Massa Lubrense. Antonio has a real love of the ocean that comes across in his tour.
Review about Villa Angelina, review #3
An amazing experience. We joined for the snorkelling experience and it exceeded our expectations. The locations were beautiful and we saw octopus, starfish, urchins, and loads of different fishes; all whist swimming in warm and clear waters. Antonio and Roberto were knowledgeable, polite and friendly. Thank you for making some of the highlights of our holiday. If you’re staying near Sorrento or Massa Lubrense then you should definitely try this out!
Review about Villa Angelina, review #4
This was a fantastic snorkeling trip for our family! We were only the four of us plus guide and assistant. The guide Antonio spoke fluent english. They were very responsive and took care of us and our children in the best way. A great snorkeling experience that will be one of the highlights on our Italy trip!
Review about Villa Angelina, review #5
This was absolutely the highlight of our trip!! Antonio was an incredible guide and we could not have asked for a better experience. He was so knowledgeable about snorkeling and free diving as well as about the best areas to go to to see the best marine life and sea caves. I recommend this experience to anyone staying in or near the Amalfi Coast. You will not be disappointed!
Review about Villa Angelina, review #6
Esperienza fantastica ed indimenticabile. Istruttore gentile e disponibile. Consiglio.
Review about Villa Angelina, review #7
Un esperienza unica, Antonio è un grande professionista con un amore immenso per il mare.
Review about Villa Angelina, review #8
Antonio è un vero appassionato di apnea e del mare. Consigliatissimo a tutti, da chi vuole un supporto professionale e tecnico del lato sportivo a chi vuole solamente godersi una nuova esperienza.
Review about Villa Angelina, review #9
Il top dei centri per apnea ed escursioni subacquee, gestite in modo sicuro ed affidabile, con tanto divertimento ! Consigliatissimo in costiera amalfitana, Capri, Sorrento e Massa Lubrense.
Review about Villa Angelina, review #10
Antonio è un istruttore preparatissimo oltre che essere un ragazzo d'oro. Capri Freediving è il frutto di tanta, ma tanta, passione, sacrificio ed entusiasmo. Passerete momenti indimenticabili in una cornice bella come davvero poche al mondo, garantito!
Review about Villa Angelina, review #11
5 stelle non bastano per descrivere l' eseprienza magnifica di oggi grazie ad Antonio, che con la sua professionalità, cortesia e il suo splendido sorriso, ci ha guidati tra le bellezze della Costiera Amalfitana. Siamo stati seguiti e supportati in ogni momento del freediving, dalle azioni preliminari come mettere la muta ed usare maschera e boccaglio in modo corretto fino ad essere guidati lungo un percorso subacqueo sottocosta alla scoperta di scorci e piccole grotte che si possono ammirare solo dal mare. Che dire esperienza da rifare. Consiglio fortemente.
Review about Villa Angelina, review #12
Fantastica esperienza!! Grazie mille Antonio: gentile, educato, organizzato, preparatissimo- ci ha trasmesso tutto l’amore che ha per il mare e per questa bellissima disciplina. Abbiamo fatto una giornata di workshop di avvicinamento all’apnea, teoria in mattinata e pratica in mare (e che mare! Uno dei pochi modi per fare il bagno nella riserva marina della Baia di Jeranto!). Grazie mille davvero, sarà un piacere tornare a trovarti!
Review about Villa Angelina, review #13
My wife, 12-year-old son, and I had an amazing afternoon snorkeling with Antonio, the owner of Capri Freediving. Very small group - it was only the three of us! We took a small boat to two locations in Punta Campanella Marine Reserve. There were no other boats in the area. My favorite part was when a huge school of sardines swam below us. Such an amazing experience. Antonio has a real love of the ocean that comes across in his tour. Antonio was very responsive via email and What's App. We highly recommend going out with them.
Review about Villa Angelina, review #14
We joined for the snorkelling experience and it exceeded our expectations. The locations were beautiful and we saw octopus, starfish, urchins, and loads of different fishes; all whist swimming in warm and clear waters. Antonio and Roberto were knowledgeable, polite and friendly. Thank you for making some of the highlights of our holiday. If you’re staying near Sorrento or Massa Lubrense then you should definitely try this out!
Review about Villa Angelina, review #15
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